X-Ray Film Viewers and Illuminators
A six inch diameter super-bright, superior high intensity, viewing area for reading industrial films with densities up to 5.0. These viewers come with an on/off foot switch and a set of steel masks to reduce the size of the viewing area. A variable intensity electronic control allows you to adjust the brightness of the 500-watt photoflood bulb. These illuminators are power air-cooled. The model 185I, in addition to the above, has an adjustable iris which cones down the viewer's light source for reading smaller film areas. Catalog no. 302100 - Model 185, Catalog no. 302101 - Model 185I
Ten 15-watt fluorescent bulbs mounted in a special reflector system produce an extremely bright even illumination for viewing industrial films. The tree position toggle switch allows you to choose full brightness, activate the electronic intensity control, or turn the unit off. The step-less electronic variable intensity control gives full range of illumination. A stainless steel gravity grip extending the full width of the 14"W x 17"H Plexiglass viewing panel holds film firmly in place. Catalog no. 302110 - Model 186
Three number-two 500-watt photoflood bulbs provide extremely bright even illumination for viewing industrial films. Heat is dissipated by a powerful blower, with removable fiberglass dust filter, and a heat absorbing glass filter. An on/off toggle switch and a continuous step-less electronic control provide variable intensity lighting. The 14"W x 17"H viewing surface is white translucent Plexiglass. Four lift up film clips across the top edge of the viewer hold film firmly in place. Catalog no. 302130 - Model 189
Four number-one photoflood bulbs provide 1000 watts of brightness. An internal heat absorbing glass protects film from heat damage. The cooling system uses a power driven air supply with replaceable air filters. The electronic brightness control and low light level 'writing light' are mounted at the front of the viewer. This illuminator comes with an on/off foot-switch, and a set of four steel masks for reading 4.5"x10", 3.5"x17", 3.5"x10", or 70mm films. Catalog no. 302120 - Model 187A
Designed specifically for industrial radiography, the Model 65 is equipped with a 14x17" viewing panel with a 4" round high-intensity spot that measures 50,000 candlepower from an incandescent light source. The fan cooled heat absorber protects valuable radiographs, while light intensity is controlled by a rugged variable transformer on both viewing surfaces. The illuminator comes complete and ready to operate with lamps and foot switch. Catalog no. 302140 - Model 65-C1